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Magic Water Circuit Tour | City Night Tour in Lima

Tour details:

In City  Night Magic Water Circuit Tour we will take a sun tour discovering the beauty of Lima, and then finish with a magical experience with the  tour Magic Water Circuit.

The magical water circuit is located in the park of the reserve, a landscaped space located in the neighborhood of Santa Beatriz in the district of Lima, between the main streets of the Paseo de la Republica and Arequipa Avenue.

duracion imgDuration 4 horas
tipo de tour imgTour type
dificultad imgDifficulty Easy
guia imgGuide Inglés, español
grupo imgGroup size 8 to 15
altitud imgMaximum altitude 10 masl


  • 5:00 pm Pick up from your hotel
  • 6:00 pm City nigth tour in lima
  • 7:30 pm Magic Water Circuit Tour
  • 9:30 pm arrival at your hotel


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Price per person $
Total price $

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